I tried out a site called Omegle.com... wow! Interesting. If you have not heard of it, it is a chat roulette webcam site that randomly selects strangers for you to interact with. Omegle girls are highly sought after. A lot of guys on that site go out of their way to show their "goods".
If you are looking for girls on Omegle, then "seek and ye shall find". They are there. In fact, girls are looking for "Omegle guys". Some looking for the "goods" that guys are willing to show. Most are looking for interactions with a guy.
I talked to random strange guys on Omegle but I will admit I did not talk for a long time. The guys are there to flirt and immediately offer to show their dicks. To all the Omegle guys out there, if a girl wants to see "dick" she will go to a porn site.. If she is on a webcam site she expects a little more than just dicks. She expects conversation and interaction then MAY want a dick. But like I said, some girls are very interested in what you want to show.
The site has lots and lots of tricky porn ads leading to web cam girls stripping for money and other adults sites.
My overall impression is that I am personally not into that kind of site. It seems to be mostly for teens and single women seeking fun without commitment.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Filipino Women Faithfulness
Filipino women have a very beautiful exotiic look because of mixing in different races. Filipino women make very good wives. They always give their best in relationships and especially when they are married. They devote their lives to making their family happy.
Filipino women are very thoughtful to their loved ones. They are very loving to their parents. They highly respect their parents and always take care of them when they get old. They are trained at a young age to be good wives.
Filipinas take care of their husbands very well and serve him. They cook good food and do household chores. They are very supportive to their kids and encourage them in achieving their goals in life.
Most filipino women are very faithful to their husband. They stay in the marriage even when their husband cheats and forgives him even when its done repeatedly. Most of them are very good with handling finances at home even when there is only little handed to them.
Its quite sad that they stick too the vows when the husband violates them. Sometimes they are called martyrs for overdoing it. They stick to their marriage no matter how bad it gets because they believe whomever you marry you should stand to your decisions through thick and thin and ups and downs.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Overseas filipino women are workers choose to go abroad to take advantage of opportunities. Overseas Filipino workers are commonly called OFWs. The government handles the process of assisting and protecting OFW with its agency the Philippines Overseas Employment Administration (POEA)
In the Philippines, it is hard for a regular employee to support the family’s basic needs because the income is too little to keep up with the cost of living. They are forced to go abroad to provide their children with better lifestyle and education. Overseas filipino workers has to leave their kids in order to give them a better future. 
Overseas Filipino Workers sent back home from Egypt
Staying within the impoverished areas of the Philippines is a struggle that is hard to survive everyday. It is very hard to survive especially if they haven’t finish their education. Even with an a degree, filipino workers are competing to work in fast food restaurants and can be denied work on looks alone. It is very competitive because overpopulation and not enough jobs that don’t pay enough to live comfortably.
Their whole family is expecting OFW to take care of finances so they have to work harder. The OFW is often the sole income providing for two generations. This are the reasons that make them decide to find jobs abroad as domestic helpers, or skilled jobs but low profile like receptionists, sales clerk, cashiers and waitresses.
OFWs who had completed their skills training courses last Nov 2013: Malaysia
Overseas filipino women are very tough and they always adapt to the lifestyle and culture of other countries, but keep a strong link back to their homeland and remain very proud to be Pinay even when its not popular. Lots of filipino women work abroad yearly. According to the census survey, there are estimated 2.2 million OFW during the period of april- september 2012 and 48.3 % of that are females. while male is 51.7 %.
What does this mean? This means almost half of OFWs are filipino women who have to earn an income not just for their family but their husband back home. They have to earn a living to feed the kids and their husband because of he will not make enough to provide for them. In some cases its because the husband is just too lazy to get out and work. Link to the survey : http://www.census.gov.ph/content/2012-survey-overseas-filipinos
Overseas filipino women’s easiest countries to go to are middle east countries and neighboring countries in Asia like Hong kong, Japan and Singapore. They do not pay that much for a domestic helper job but it’s way higher compared to working as a maid within in the Philippines. It is so lonely for them to be away from their family for a long time but atleast they won’t be hungry anymore.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Cebuanas are filipino girls living in Cebu, Philippines. Most of us Cebuana girls are beautiful and have that exotic mixed look that falls between Spanish, asian and Malaysian.
The first race that came in to trade goods to the Cebuanos were the Malays. It is also one of the first places where the Spanish people found while searching for the island of Spices, Moluccas ( part of the country: Indonesia) but decided to stay in Cebu instead to introduce religion to people. Thousands of girls from Cebu are mixed with some Spanish features. Later on, other races like Japanese/Chinese/ Greeks etc came in to invade or to live in Cebu. Some began to trade and building businesses and later integrated, mated or even got married to native Cebuanas.
This mix of other south east asia gives Cebuanas a huge variation that ranges from features that look like Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Malaysian, Korean some may look like Thai! Some Cebuanas has very white flawless complexion, some have light brown skin or very brown skin depending on ethnicity and the area of where they live. Some have the very almond shaped eyes of south-east asia while others have very European shaped eyes. Overall, Cebuanas have so many variation that we really look different from each other sometimes even within the same family. It is hard to describe where they come from due to mixing of many races. The tradition, the manners, the food and the culture also varies too depends on how they are race by their parents and their ethnics..
Thursday, December 12, 2013
why are some filipinas submissive women?
For girls in the Philippines, being a submissive women is a part of filipino culture. We are taught at a young age to have good manners, respect, understanding so that we can become good mothers and submissive wives when we are ready to get married. I cannot speak for all filipinas, but I would say most.
We are taught that the role of a wife is to be “ilaw ng tahanan” that is Tagalog for the “light of the house”. It is the wife’s duty to make the house a Home. A wife must be there always to support her man’s decisions, give advice but without disagreement. A wife must do everything at home, from taking care of the kids, to teaching the kids to household chores. She helps the kids with their school assignments and projects. She participates in school meetings and the kids activities. Most importantly, keeping the house a “Happy home’’ that includes doing her best to serve her husband in and out of bed without complaints.
As a submissive wife, I think its not about being enslaved by my husband because when you love your man you always do your best to keep him happy and satisfied. Although it makes me feel bad sometimes, but I know I have to give way and not be selfish. No relationship is perfect but it doesn't mean you won’t find happiness in that imperfect love.
Being submissive means becoming a great wife and avoiding most arguments that can sometimes end marriages. Submitting and agreeing to your man makes everything more peaceful. Its much better than nagging. There will be times when the husband is wrong and if you feel that there are better idea or solution to a problem, communicating calmly works than starting a heated conversation.
Achieving this submissiveness requires training and lots of patience because you mostly set yourself aside. It is very hard to change and to make adjustment but when you're doing it to keep your husband, it gets easier because there is a purpose of why you must do it. It takes swallowing your pride and putting your husband first on top of everything to keep the marriage happy. That can mean losing a career and a dream. Although if your husband is supportive you can still aim for success but there are lots of things you have to consider for your family.
A woman cannot submit to every man. Every man is not worthy of such selflessness. I would say only a selfless man should have a selfless submissive woman.
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